Tips for Creating a Reading Nook in Your Home
For bibliophiles, creating a reading nook at home is the perfect escape.Are you looking for ways to turn an empty space into a restful retreat where you candive into your newest favorite book? We have the cozy nook ideas youneed to transform your home into your own personal library. Follow these six easy stepsto start creating the perfect home reading nook today!
1. Pick Your Spot
Do you have an open room with the perfect spot for a corner reading nook?Or maybe your home has a windowsill you enjoy perching on with a hot cup of tea tofinish a few chapters. The place you decide to set up your personal reading spot canhave a significant effect on how you dive into your relaxation time. Try to select a spacethat is isolated, or at least out of high traffic areas in your home, to allow you to reallyimmerse yourself in the pages in front of you.
If you have a bigger budget for your home reading nook project, you may considercreating a built-in bench or seating space in a wall for a cozy and stylish addition to anyroom. Making a reading nook in your home does not have to be a bigproject, though. For a more temporary setup, try lining your seating area with somefurniture like a bookshelf or entertainment center. This will allow you to create a moreenclosed feeling without having to add walls or start a construction project.
2. Design for Reading
This is your space for reading—designing with that in mind will help youensure all the elements you select will cater to your quiet time. Choose piecesthat help keep the space organized and tidy while allowing you easy access to all youneed to cozy up. Adding bookshelves, whether standalone or built-in, will make sureyour next read is never more than an arm’s length away from your lounge spot.Additionally, bringing in a small table or stand will give you the perfect place to setdown your glasses or that cup of tea without having to get up. Keeping your readingtime essentials nearby will help ensure you can really sink into your relaxationtime.
Aside from staying organized, consider what helps you relax and dive into the bookin hand. For example, the warm ambiance of candles may be your go-to method ofcalming the senses to create a more immersive experience. Or perhaps lining the wallsin your nook with inspirational quotes or artwork helps you unwind. Take some time tofigure out what matters most to you, then find a stylish and functional way to incorporateit into the space!
3. Pick Your Seating
Comfort is key when creating a reading nook in your home. Is yourstyle more eclectic and unique? Consider adding a big, vintage armchair for a statementpiece that is as cozy as it is stylish. If your nook is tucked up underneath a window, youalready have some built-in seating available! Simply grab a soft cushion to cover the silland relax. Hammocks and other hanging chairs are other great options to createa comfortable and unique design in your nook. These choices are great for indoorspaces for those who prefer a little more outdoorsy influence in theirsurroundings.
4. Make It Cozy
Here is your chance to start adding those personal touches that create a cozy spaceperfectly suited to your style. Adding plenty of pillows and blankets will both dress upthe area and allow you to really be comfortable during your reading time. Opting to fillthe space with calming colors can help create a relaxing oasis. If you are unsure ofwhere to start, searching online at other homeowners’ cozy nook ideas may help inspire your uniquedesign!
5. Add Some Light
Even if your home reading nook is situated near an open window, you will still needa light source for those late-night page-turning sessions. Floor lamps are a popularchoice for many home reading nooks because they are portable and come in a widevariety of colors, styles and sizes. For a more permanent or customized lighting scheme, consider adding recessed lighting or sconces with dimmable switches to suitany mood or time of day. Carefully adding layers of light from various sources andlocations will help you create the perfect ambiance no matter what story you are divinginto.
6. Add Some Life
Adding greenery to an indoor space has been scientifically proven to create acalming effect in humans. Incorporating plants into your reading nook can improve yourmood, reduce stress to help you better relax and provide an extra touch of privacy. Lineyour reading nook with a floor shade plant like the popular Dracaena Lisa, add some succulents to a nearby table or try hanging air plants for a lowmaintenance touch of nature.
Creating a reading nook in your home can be as easy as simply throwing achair and some pillows in the corner—but for the true book lovers, this is a greatopportunity to show off some personality while creating functionality in a space. Are youlooking for the perfect living space to incorporate a corner readingnook into? Explore Perry Homes gallery of stunning, modern design to start planning your perfect homeoasis.